Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Allah heals

"All human beings will suffer emotionally traumatizing experience. 

This particular ayah for me, is an ayah of great hope, because when people get scarred, people get emotionally damage, then they feel that they will never ever be recovered and move on with life again.

Musa's mother, had the colossal test of taking her baby and putting the baby in the water. That is not even an imaginable thing a mother can do.

Musa's mother's heart was emptied out.

And Allah said, "And the heart of Moses' mother became empty [of all else]. She was about to disclose [the matter concerning] him had We not bound fast her heart that she would be of the believers." [Al-Qasas 28:10]

He calm her heart down and brought it to the normal state.

We as human beings don't have the ability to emotionally recover sometimes, but we're learning in this ayah that Allah has the ability to let it heals and move on.

Imaan (faith in Allah) is enough for you to be able to move on with your life. Allah will intervene into our emotional states.

Whatever emotional trauma you are going through, know that Allah can intervene and give you peace of mind, peace of heart. And He can give you tranquility again.

Whatever things that have scarred you, Allah can remove that scar entirely.

I pray that you are able to ask Allah for that genuine removal of scar and that Allah gives you that firmness of heart so you can be from those who truly believe and can live a healthy spiritual and emotional life."

- Nouman Ali Khan, Quranic Gems Juz 20 ♥ :')

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Tundukkan hatimu

Marriage, Tempations & Responsibilities

A sister asked Sheikh Mirza Yawar Baig a question regarding marriage; This was his response.


I want to get married to this man in my university who says that the best thing for him is to get married to get out of the temptations that surround him. He is still a student on scholarship and has no income or career. What is your advice?


جزاك اللهُ خيراً for your question. My advice is that you learn to eat grass. If you marry someone without an income, that is what you will need to be able to do at some point. Sorry to be rude – but as George Bernard Shaw said, ‘You must never be afraid to offend people because that is the only time that they listen.’ So I hope you are offended and can wake up from the hormone induced dream that you are in before it turns into a nightmare.

For a man to be suitable to marry, you must look for three things:

Saturday, July 13, 2013

(Psychology) Fasa perkembangan psikososial Erikson 1

Alhamdulillah summer sem ini diizinkan untuk mengambil subjek Behavioral Science / Psychology. Subhanallah, sangat menarik! insyaAllah nak share sedikit sebanyak apa yang telah dipelajari :)

Human Development Theory - Erikson's stages of psychosocial development

Menurut Erikson, terdapat 8 fasa dalam perkembangan psikososial seseorang yang akan mempengaruhi personalitinya. Setiap fasa adalah kritikal, dan perlu diberi perhatian sewajarnya oleh para ibu bapa terutamanya ketika perkembangan anak-anak mereka.

Jom kita tengok apa fasa-fasa tersebut :)

1) Trust vs Mistrust (Birth - 2 years)

Ketika ini bayi mula belajar soal harapan. Mereka akan bergantung sepenuhnya kepada ibu bapa untuk kelangsungan hidup dan keselesaan.

Oleh itu penting pada fasa ini untuk ibu bapa memberikan perhatian dan kasih sayang yang cukup, kerana ia akan membuatkan si anak melihat dunia sebagai sebuah tempat yang boleh dipercayai.

Kegagalan ibu bapa untuk membekalkan persekitaran yang 'selamat' serta memenuhi keperluan asasi anak akan menyebabkan anak hilang rasa percaya, yang seterusnya akan mengakibatkan kekecewaan, curiga, memencilkan diri dan kirang keyakinan diri (paranoid personality)

2) Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt (2-4 years)

Autonomi: kemahiran dan perasaan bertanggungjawab dan dapat menguasai diri sendiri.

Pada fasa ini, kanak-kanak akan mula belajar untuk melakukan semuanya sendiri tanpa bantuan orang lain. Mereka ketika ini sangat suka untuk meneroka dunia dan sentiasa belajar tentang dunia sekeliling. Mereka ingin memakai baju sendiri, makan menggunakan tangan atau sudu, menggunakan tandas tanpa bantuan dan sebagainya.

Kesabaran dan galakan dari ibu bapa akan membantu anak-anak untuk memupuk sifat autonomi ini. Jika tidak, anak-anak akan membina sifat ragu-ragu tentang keupayaan dirinya sendiri.

Jadi, jika anda mempunyai anak pada usia ini, galakkan mereka untuk melakukan aktiviti harian mereka tanpa bantuan, dan jangan dihalang saintis muda ini apabila mereka ber-eksperimen. Yang penting para ummi dan abi kena sabar lah ye bila anak-anak mereka sepahkan rumah, pecahkan barang dan conteng dinding. Kan rumah adalah medan untuk para ulama cilik itu membesar dan belajar? ;)

3) Initiative vs Guilt (4-5 years)

4) Industry vs Inferiority (5-12 years)

5) Identity vs Role Confusion (13-19 years)

6) Intimacy vs Isolation (20-40 years)

7) Generativity vs Stagnation (40-64 years)

8) Integrity vs Despair (Late adulthood, 65-death)

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