Friday, April 13, 2012

Hamalatul Quran in the making

Kaklong kata, fasya pleaseee jadi kakngah boleh? :')

InsyaAllah, mohon doa kalian agar dikuatkan diri untuk menempuh perjalanan panjang ini. Semoga Allah izinkan kita untuk menjadi hamalatul Quran. 

Ya Allah, tambahkanlah kami kecintaan terhadap kalamMu ini, kuatkan semnagat dan tekad kami, dan semoga Engkau mengira setiap usaha dan perit jerih kami ini sebagai amal soleh untuk mendapat redhaMu. 

Teruskan melangkah, terus mengejar cintaNya!


Tips on how to memorize quran here

"The biggest achievement he made was not to memorise the Quran. The biggest achievement he made was to be deeply connected with the Quran every single day for 5 years.

That connection with Allah (SWT) is what made Ahmed so special. That deep link with the Creator is what keeps life in perspective and is what helped Ahmed to keep on track with the little weekly targets he set for himself.

One can only imagine what happened to Ahmed’s levels of personal fulfilment, Iman and taqwa, as he went back every single day to develop this ritual of ihsan (spiritual excellence). Each day he woke up for Fajr and wrote out another 5 lines of Quran, his self-esteem and self-confidence soared…

“Can the reward for excellence be anything other than excellence?” Surah Rahman (55: 60)"
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